Tryout Information

Tryouts for 2025-2026 Season


Tryout Registration Opens March 25 2025

Click HERE to register for 2025-2026 Tryouts.

Please note that players must register in advance for tryouts in their NEW age division for the 2025-2026 season. Tryout fees are non-refundable.



All players/goalies who played for an OWHA team other than the Rockets in 2024-2025 must register for tryouts online and pay according to the instructions on RAMP, this will not initiate the release process.

Valid Permission to Tryout Forms must be emailed to or be presented upon check in at the first tryout.


Ayr Rockets Requiring a Permission to Tryout Form:

Please complete the online form found HERE.

PTT Requests will be reviewed, signed and emailed prior to April 20th 2025.


Ayr Rockets will be holding Spring Tryouts for the following teams:

U11 A Allan Proceviat
U13 A Darcy Mintz
U15 AA Steve Hodgson
U15 BB Robert McKinlay
U18 AA Matt Sitko
U18 A Ryan Gibb
U18 B TBD  

Ayr Rockets intend to host fall tryouts for U13 T2 & U22A. 



  • Tryout Registration - HERE
  • Tryout Schedule - HERE


Missing a Tryout or Have a Question?

Please contact the following:

Good luck to Everyone!!


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